Five years ago, I thought reinvention was a word that suited someone like, I don’t know, Madonna. Or, maybe Christian Bale, because in every freaking movie he looks different. And the word mindset? Uff, fuhgeddaboudit! I rolled my eyes at that woo-woo, new-age stuff.
But let me tell you… changing your mindset and reinventing yourself is totally fucking possible. For anyone.
Let me explain.

Photo by Aaron Jean Photography, Madrid.
Reinvention in Spades
This past year has been crazytown good to me. New cities visited, new friends, new skills, new certifications, new business, new office, and new perspectives.
But my shiniest new toy is the new me. And, no, I’m not talking about that “New Year, New Me” bullshit.
I’m talking about the me that’s been five years in the making. Going from being married, planning for a baby, and making multiple six-figures to… unemployed, divorced, and terrified that having children would never be an option for me.
I’m not talking about some January mantra. I’m talking about the new me that was birthed from a broken, desolate woman.
I’m talking about five years of deep-in-the-mud work I’ve had to do to feel worthy of the life I lead.
I’m talking about being beaten to shit and rising back up.
I’m talking about tapping into my deep-rooted underdog mentality to scrap together even a tiny semblance of a healed person.
And now, after all that, I finally feel moments away from becoming the woman I’ve waited my whole life to meet.
But, you know what? The only things that could’ve stood in my way were the same things that helped me get to this point. Yes, read that again.

Rewriting My Story
You see, my whole life, I’ve identified with the underdog and have often said that my relentless tenacity is one of my biggest strengths. I’ve always had this “Oh, I’ll show you” attitude. And, up to this point, that’s served me well.
But now, when I ask myself how it feels to identify as someone who must always come from behind to win, I think, “Well, that’s been exhausting.”
So now, I’m rewriting my story.
I’m a seasoned fighter.
I’m a winner.
I’m a champ.
That’s the mindset I walk into the room with. The odds are always in my favor. So when I walk in the room with that energy…. ah shiiiit, that, my friends, is called reinvention.
So Here For It
You see, it’s about something other than having a different look, job, or lifestyle. It’s about actually changing your belief system so that you energetically show up in the world differently.
But this doesn’t happen overnight.
It takes time and a shit ton of effort. You have to learn to think differently.
You have to question everything you’ve ever thought to be true.
You have to be brutally honest with yourself and do so without judgment.
You must have gratitude for every experience that’s brought you to this moment.
And you have to love yourself enough to commit to change.
I used to think that my journey was forced upon me, that I was a victim of my own life.
But now I know I’m my own creator… that we are all our own creators.
And I am so here for it.
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