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break free from the ordinary and step fully into the life God has always intended for you with my new suite of digital courses.

you are divinely extraordinary

You’ve built a good life. You’re grateful for what you have, but deep down, something feels off. It’s like you’re walking in someone else’s shoes, living a life that doesn’t quite feel like your own.

Maybe you feel stuck—whether it’s in a job that doesn’t fulfill you, a relationship that’s holding you back, or a city that no longer feels like home. You know there’s more. You sense you have extraordinary potential, but the path forward feels unclear.

your life's good. but deep inside, you know something's got to change.

Let me guess...

I’ve been there—frozen by indecision, stuck in a life that felt smaller than the one I knew I was meant for.  Sound FAmiliar?

You’re not fully happy, and it feels like you're missing some secret happiness formula everyone else seems to have.

The frustration of watching yourself repeat behaviors you know are holding you back is overwhelming. And the guilt? It’s even worse.

You know you want change, but the specifics of what that actually looks like? That’s where things get foggy. Without clarity, you feel stuck in a loop of uncertainty.

i know how you feel

Fear and self-doubt are your enemy. Deep down, you wonder if you’re capable of truly transforming your life. For some reason, it feels out of reach for you.

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learn how to get our of your own way

Establish the foundation of your growth journey with a trusted framework for success that guarantees you won't fail.


luckily, i have a course that will help you change EVERYTHING.       

gain confidence by using your secret sauce

Build confidence by tapping into your own unique spiritual secret sauce and create a mix of spicy divinity that will make you unstoppable!


get clear by playing & exploring fearlessly

Squash fear and self-doubt by using play and fearless exploration to find the clarity you need to move forward and create a plan of action. 


celebrate with a custom self-alignment plan

Sustain and celebrate your successes with a tailored self-alignment plan that introduces an accountability toolkit to keep you on track.


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the divinely extraordinary

let me introduce...

transform your uncertainty into clarity, your potential into purpose, and your dreams into a plan.


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get a spiritual mindset reset

Learn to release limiting beliefs and align with divine energy through a blend of mindset principles and spiritual practices. This foundational reset will prime you for the Divinely Extraordinary journey ahead. 

step into the life God has always intended for you 

the divinely extraordinary journey will help you crush fear, ditch self-doubt, and build the confidence and clarity to boldly step into your purpose with joy and excitement.

Welcome to a digital suite of courses that will TRANSFORM you.

tap into your spicy divinity

Discover your unique "spiritual secret sauce" and unlock unshakable confidence. By exploring faith and the freedom of acceptance, you'll discover how these spiritual principles shape how you show up in the world.

play your way to purpose

Find your purpose by embracing play and curiosity! Use creativity and joy to uncover what truly lights you up, gain clarity, and create a simple action plan to step confidently into your path.

Shift. Soar. Sustain your success!

Build on what you’ve learned with new tools to keep you grounded and moving forward. It’s all about reinforcing your progress, celebrating your wins, and staying accountable as you soar toward your new life.

You will learn so much more

More details on what you get...

Get a Mindset Upgrade – Learn foundational and advanced mindset tools that'll ease anxiety stat.

Spicy Confidence – Unlock your spiritual "secret sauce" and let your inner confidence fly.

Creative Fun – Tap into playful exercises to explore your passions & unlock new possibilities.

Tools and Resources - Navigate your journey with confidence, grace, & spiritual clarity.

A Personalized Game Plan – Get a clear, step-by-step action plan to help you crush your goals.

Accountability That Works – Get systems and tools to stay accountable & stay on track.

Learn to Celebrate - Acknowledge your progress with rituals that keep you motivated and feeling amazing.

A Proven Framework for Success- Follow my roadmap and your life will change!

And these are some of the highlights... the best part will come from trusting that you're moving into alignment with God's plan for you.

Trisha’s bubbly AND super approachable but also has this bad bitch vibe and street cred to back it up." 

But she doesn’t shove her experience or beliefs down your throat. She calmly listens and provides insight. Growing up in a strict religious community and breaking from that cycle has made it hard to trust and know what I do or don’t believe. Trisha gets that and helps me use my past experiences to become a better version of myself and to achieve my goals. She reminds me that, “Yo, I got this!”


what do I get?

follow the exact steps i took to get me from broken to feeling oh-so blessed. i'll show you how to claim the abundance god has planned for you. 

take one course or all four.  


the spiritual mindset reset


Begin your Divinely Extraordinary journey with this three-module course that will help shift your mindset from negative to positive so you can go from feeling scared, doubtful, and broken to brave, confident, and oh-so blessed.

build a foundation that will support your growth and transformation.


Mindset Basics: Learn how your mind works & get research-back tools to help you overcome limiting beliefs, fear,  self-doubt, and anxiety.

Embracing Silence: Learn the art of listening to your inner voice by practicing silence through meditation and prayer. Quiet your mind, so you can hear what the Lord is telling you.

Cultivating Compassion:  Stop beating yourself up! You're exactly where you're meant to be. So let's give you tools to nurture yourself... and train your mind to do the same.

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Enhance confidence by embracing your own mix of spirituality. We'll discuss what happens when you listen to your heart instead of all the noise in your head. It's your own secret sauce that'll help you deepen your relationship with God and unleash a very spicy new you! 

being authentically you is your superpower and key to confidence.


Making the Commitment: You've read all the books, done all the things, but you still find showing up for yourself consistently a problem?  We'll fix that.

The Freedom of Surrender: If your shoulders tensed up when you read the title of this module, you may be in resistance. Learn what that means and how to overcome it. 

Nurturing Faith: The best way to deepen your relationship with God is to show up authentically. So, let's get in the kitchen and find out what's in your spiritual secret sauce! 

Conquering Confidence: You've got all the tools now, so let's put them to work. I'll give you some fun exercises to test just how far your fabulous self has come. 

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We're about to have a good time. Now that you're sprinkling your secret sauce on just about all you do, let's start to play and explore fearlessly. It's through experience that we learn what we want or don't want. So let's get you the clarity you need and make a plan of action.

have fun, learn, get clear on your goals, and take inspired action.


Incorporating Play: As adults, we may think we're a certain way, and there's no room for change. We'll dissect that false belief and find ways for your inner child to come out to play.

Unleash Your Fearless Explorer: What's the difference between playing and exploring, and why are both important? Learn how exploring gets you closer to your action plan.

Managing Clarity: Decisions, decisions, decisions. Sometimes with too much clarity, your options start to feel overwhelming. Learn tricks to help you steer clear of decision paralysis.

Inspired Action: Get excited about your future and start making plans. Take inspired action, and you'll soon be in alignment with all that God has in store for you.

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key modules:

Ain't nothing stopping you now- except possibly yourself, of course. But we're not gonna let that happen!  Let's put all the puzzle pieces together and create a tailored plan to keep you soaring. The sky's the limit for you, and we're not gonna let anything get in your way.

reinforce all the good, stay accountable, and sustain your succcess.


Building Long-Term Habits: Dive into the science of habit formation—because creating lasting change starts with the right habits. Not sexy, but true.

Overcoming Setbacks: Learn how to handle setbacks with grace and resilience. It's not about avoiding failure, but about bouncing back stronger than ever.

Accountability and Support: Having accountability isn’t about having others watch over you—it’s about staying true to your commitments. We'll create a plan to ensure you stay on track.

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Decide if you want to sign up for 1 class or all 4.

All courses are designed to stand alone, so there's no commitment to take all four. But if you really want to transform your life THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS... go for the bundle package and get yourself a discount!

How does it work?

I've put everything I've learned into this comprehensive, easy to follow course. Now, all you have to do is follow these steps and you're in!


Buy the course & show up with an open heart.

My goal is to share my experiences with you and teach you what I've learned, so that you can build the life you're meant for, like I did. But you gotta do your part, too. Come with an open heart and watch God do his work on you.


Make a promise to yourself.

Commit to the process, ladies! This transformation business isn't always easy. But I guarantee you're worth it.  If you follow the course & do  what I did (but adding your own spice, of course). your life WILL CHANGE.


the steps are so easy to do

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You feel stuck in a cycle of doubt and can't seem to shake the fear that holds you back.

This IS for you if

You’ve lost clarity on what you want and feel disconnected from the path you’re meant to be on.

You’re tired of starting strong, only to lose momentum when life gets busy or overwhelming.

You struggle to build confidence and often find yourself comparing your journey to others.

You’re looking for a quick fix without committing to long-term personal growth and change

This is NOT for you if

You’re comfortable staying in your lane and aren’t ready to challenge your limiting beliefs.

You already feel aligned with your purpose and don’t need further clarity or direction.

You aren’t open to exploring new tools or perspectives to help deepen your faith and confidence.

You know there’s more for you but fear is keeping you from playing big and going after it.

You crave a deeper connection to your faith but don’t know how to integrate it fully into your everyday life.

You prefer to play it safe and avoid taking risks in your personal and spiritual development.

You don’t believe in the power of mindset, faith, and energy to create meaningful transformation in your life.

compliment your independent study with some personalized one-on-one support. 

Use the 50-minute session to set yourself up for success at the beginning of the course.

Or use the session during the course to reinforce or discuss a topic further.

Or use the session at the end of the course to discuss your customized, self-alignment plan and next steps.

Limited time special offer!

bundle all four courses & GET a FREE  coaching session WITH ME!


wait! there is more

enroll in all four courses and you get all of these:

Get our NEW BOOK

Sign up for all four courses in the Divinely Extraordinary series and receive a signed copy of my book Bending Palms. This inspiring read offers extra insights to support your journey toward confidence, faith, and purpose—my way of thanking you for committing to your growth!

Learn to MANIFEST 

Ever asked, "what's all this manifesting I'm hearing all about and does it actually work?" In this pre-recorded workshop, I share some of my best manifesting stories and teach you how to do exactly what I did.

Exclusive VIP access

VIP Access to future offerings – Join the exclusive VIP list, giving you first access to new product launches and special discounts throughout the year.

make 2025 the year your life changes.

Are you ready?

Join the waitlist

DOORS OPEN dec 15 / DOORS OPEN dec 15 / DOORS OPEN dec 15 / DOORS OPEN dec 15 / DOORS OPEN dec 15 / DOORS OPEN dec 15

You will learn so much more

More details on what you get...

Four comprehensive digital courses on topics that you'll come back to time and again.

Combined, you will have over 15 modules filled with over 50 individual lessons.

Over 20 hours of recorded content that outline all the exact steps I took to change my life.

Individual lesson slides with all relevant information summarized... for those that hate taking notes!

A detailed list of resources that will expand on the topics covered to further help in your journey.

The opportunity to receive early bird bonuses for enrolling in the full suite of courses.

A robust toolkit with practical tips, strategies, and practices to help you sustain real change.

Early access to exclusive bonus content that's released throughout the year.

And on top of all these transformative tools, get peace of mind knowing you're on your way to living the life God intends for you.


When I speak to Trisha I feel so much joy and levity, and that means so much to me in this period of my life. I really feel like someone up there has sent some helping hands my way.

I feel so much joy and levity.


Throughout all the things that life threw at me, she was always there. Knowing that she had my back and kept me aligned and focused made me feel so supported.

I always feel supported and resourced!


Trisha has a spiritual presence that takes our sessions to another level There's always an O.M.G. goosebump moment when we're in a session.

There's always a goosebump moment.



dream client ceo

She delivered on time and the photos look amazing. We doubled our sales in one month! I couldn't believe it. Have even more to say? OK but keep it short though!

Highly recommend Skylar!

She delivered on time and the photos look amazing. We doubled our sales in one month! I couldn't believe it. Have even more to say? OK but keep it short though!

Skylar did an amazing job for bank account 

She delivered on time and the photos look amazing. We doubled our sales in one month! I couldn't believe it. Have even more to say? OK but keep it short though!

I made $5k my first month = crazy good!


What is Divinely Extraordinary and who is it for?

Divinely Extraordinary is a 4-course digital suite designed for women who know they are meant for something greater but need clarity, direction, and a plan to become the extraordinary women they were created to be.

What will I learn in the courses?

Each course in the suite is designed to give you a specific set of tools. You will learn how to squash limiting beliefs,  build self-compassion & confidence, clarify your goals, and how to create a sustainable  plan of action.

How is the course structured?

Each course is focused on a different aspect of personal transformation. You’ll have access to video lessons, workbooks, and reflection exercises. Take one course or take all four for a holistic experience.

Do I need to be religious to benefit from this course? 

You don't have to be religious, but the course is inspired by spiritual principles, especially Spicy Divinity. However, the full course is designed to help all women regardless of their specific beliefs. Consider it spiritual-- not religious!

How will I know if this will work for me?

It's been proven! I'm teaching you the exact steps I took to turn my life around. If I can go from a broken mess to feeling blessed, then I'm sure you can, too. But you gotta commit to doing the work.

What makes this different from other online courses?

Divinely Extraordinary is an invitation to become the woman you’re meant to be. With a combination of spiritual insight, practical tools, and a focus on mindset mastery, this suite offers a holistic approach to transformation.




Whenever the bug hits, I wax poetic and send out greetings and salutations... all of it promising to uplift.
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