So, you’re wondering, what is spiritual coaching, anyway? I get it. Spiritual life coaching is super buzzy right now. It seems everyone’s doing it, talking about it, or like you, wondering exactly what it is! So in this definitive guide, we’ll explore the world of spiritual coaching, its benefits, and how it can help you unlock your true potential. My hope is that by the end of this post, you’ll have the info you need to decide if working with a spiritual life coach is right for you.
Key Takeaways Before We Dive Deeper
- Spiritual coaching is a powerful approach to personal growth that guides clients on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.
- Spiritual life coaches provide tailored guidance, support, and even holistic healing services to help individuals access their inner wisdom for spiritual fulfillment. (Note: This “inner wisdom” can mean different things to different clients. I personally believe inner wisdom is actually one’s connection to God. But, everyone is different. Some of my clients prefer to use words like The Source, The One, or The Universe.)
- Spiritual life coaching can lead to profound personal growth and connection with one’s true self… just like many other coaching niches. So, don’t get caught up so much in labels right now. We’ll break out the differences as we go.
Defining Spiritual Life Coaching…What Makes It Different?

The textbook (boring) definition? Spiritual coaching is a holistic approach to personal growth that focuses on connecting clients with their inner selves and helping them connect to the part of themselves that the client defines as spiritual. This type of coaching delves into the deeper aspects of our lives and beliefs, helping us to find balance and purpose on our spiritual journey. Kinda sounds like this could be any other kind of coaching, right?
Just look at some of the key aspects that spiritual life coaching includes:
- Connecting with your inner self, or intuition
- Exploring your beliefs and values
- Finding balance and harmony in your life
- Setting and achieving spiritual goals
- Developing a deeper sense of purpose and meaning
Spiritual life coaches, like general life coaches, are passionate about helping clients reach their potential. They provide support and guidance to achieve a balanced mental state and accomplish personal goals.
Other key elements of spiritual coaching involve:
- Aiding clients in recognizing and conquering internal obstructions
- Connecting with their internal knowledge
- Attaining a more profound comprehension of their life purpose
So, what makes spiritual life coaching so different than traditional life coaching? Well, for one, spiritual life coaches often incorporate spiritual practices and exercises tailored to each client’s needs and beliefs in their coaching business. And, two, it’s all about the coach’s spiritual philosophy and how it aligns with your own. Huh? Don’t worry, we’ll get to that…
The Role of a Spiritual Life Coach
Essentially, a spiritual coach’s role is to help you better understand your spirituality. Now, what does that mean exactly? Well, that’s up to you. For some, that’s a loaded and complicated question. But, for others, it can be easy. So, let’s look at this broadly first.
Suppose the most basic definition of a spiritual life coach is defined by all the key elements in the section above, and they also help you develop a deeper understanding of your spirituality. In that case, some groundwork is usually needed to get you there. It’s like making an omelet. Let me explain.
To make an omelet (which in this metaphor is you at your desired spiritual amazingness), your coach might need to crack some eggs to get you there. So, a spiritual life coach’s role could help you identify and overcome limiting beliefs. Or, they may help you develop confidence or intuition so that you can clearly see where you need to go. The coach will give you space and the tools needed to open you up to receiving the divine. And as mentioned, spiritual coaches may incorporate energy healing, prayer, meditation, or other spiritual practices in their services, to give you an effective and well-rounded experience.
Going Deeper into the Key Elements of Spiritual Coaching
As you might have noticed by now, intuition, inner guidance, and spiritual exercises tailored to each client’s needs and beliefs are the key elements of spiritual coaching. Spiritual coaches help clients:
- Access their divine attributes
- Explore their beliefs and values
- Deepen their spiritual practices
- Understand their behavioral patterns
- Create a safe space for personal growth
All of these aspects contribute to achieving a fulfilling life and a deeper level of self-awareness and spiritual growth– and that’s where it’s at, y’all! Once you have these tools, you can start digging into some real juicy goodness. Because once the eggs have been cracked, scrambled, and are cooking in the pan, you can start layering in the yummy stuff.
In spiritual coaching, that can mean adding elements like prayer, meditation, energy or mindset work, journaling, visualization exercises, or gratitude tracking. All of these can be incredibly beneficial. Many spiritual life coaches will narrow down further and focus their coaching service on one or two key elements or modalities.
Types of Spiritual Coaches

This brings us to the various types of spiritual coaches, each with a unique focus and approach. Some common types include energy healers, intuitive guides, and religious-based spiritual coaches. Every kind of spiritual coach offers distinctive coaching styles and techniques, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of clients seeking spiritual guidance and growth. This brings me back to what I said earlier…
By understanding the different types of spiritual coaches available, you’ll understand more about the coach’s spiritual philosophy. Then, you can choose the most suitable coach for your spiritual journey, ensuring alignment and understanding throughout the coaching process.
So, let’s take a closer look at a few of the unique types of spiritual coaches and the specific expertise they bring to the table. But know that the four listed below are only SOME of the types of spiritual coaches. Many of us like to keep it broad and work with a diverse toolkit, and that’s totally okay, too.
Energy Healers
Chakra healing and reiki are two common methods used by energy healers, who work with clients to encourage balance and vigor in their energy levels. These coaches have extensive training and knowledge in energy healing techniques, enabling them to handle any emotional, physical, and spiritual problems that might impede their clients’ well-being.
Some energy healers may also be certified in life coaching and have extra education in subjects like quantum healing, allowing them to specialize even more and offer all-inclusive coaching services. Clients can harmonize and revitalize their energy levels, surpass limiting beliefs, and achieve spiritual fulfillment by working with an energy healer. That’s a spiritual trifecta, right there!
Meditation and Mindfulness
Meditation and mindfulness coaches are typically well-versed in various meditation techniques, having completed rigorous training in practices like Vipassana, Zen, or Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). They most likely mastered the art of stillness and mental focus through their practice, often clocking in hundreds of hours of meditation.
Their wisdom could help you hone your concentration skills, teaching you how to observe your thoughts without judgment. They might hold certifications in mindfulness coaching or have completed specialized courses, allowing them to tailor their guidance to your unique journey.
Intuitive or Metaphysical Coaches
Intuitive spiritual coaches, or metaphysical coaches, blend spiritual guidance with esoteric tools and beliefs to help clients explore their inner selves and gain insights into their life path. They might use things like tarot cards, oracle cards, crystals, astrology, dream analysis, or even perform past life regressions. The specific tools and techniques used by spiritual intuitive and metaphysical coaches can vary a ton based on their training and personal approach.
Religious-Based Spiritual Life Coaches
Religious-based spiritual coaches provide guidance and support within the context of a specific religious tradition or belief system. These coaches specialize in offering insightful coaching that respects and adheres to the values and teachings of their clients’ chosen faith or spiritual path.
Working with a religious-based spiritual coach could help you delve into your spirituality within the context of your specific faith, promoting a deeper comprehension and connection to those spiritual beliefs and practices.
Benefits of Spiritual Life Coaching

Now, I think by this point, it’s pretty obvious that I’m a big fan of spiritual coaching. But, let’s keep digging in, because spiritual life coaching offers, like, bazillions, of benefits. And I have no shame in claiming that spiritual coaching can change your life. So, let’s break down all the benefits again, this time louder for those in the back!
Spiritual life coaching can help you:
- Get access to a God, a higher power, or universal energy
- Heighten your self-awareness, inner wisdom, and intuition
- Recognize and transform the limiting beliefs that’ve been blocking you from your life purpose
- Align your actions with spiritual convictions and values
- Embrace your self-esteem and improve your confidence
- Improve your mental well-being, resulting in a more peaceful, joyful life
- Open up to new opportunities, changing your life for the better, girl!
Okay, good. But, lemme elaborate on what I believe to be the top three benefits os spiritual coaching:
Access to God, a Higher Power, or Universal Energy
Let’s be real clear… you don’t need a coach for this. You always have access to God, a Higher Power, or Universal Energy. Whatever you call it, you are made from it. You are the embodiment of it. So, don’t believe for a second that you need a coach to tap into it. You don’t. But, I’m not gonna lie. It can totally help.
I find this especially true if you’re what I call a “type A superwoman,” who’s currently feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes, we just want someone to point us in the right direction. Or, someone to give us a quiet space to do the introspective work needed to feel close to the divine within.
And notice, I said “us” and “we.” I know see you, girl. I know you. And everything you’re feeling is valid.
Heighten your inner wisdom, intuition, and self-awareness
Closely aligned with having access to a Higher Power, heightening your inner wisdom, intuition, and self-awareness is what happens once you are fully tapped into that divine energy. It’s like a fountain of inspiration flows into you, and let me tell you, a lot of questions (and amazing possibilities) will come up for you once this happens.
Overcoming Limiting Beliefs… This is a Popular One.
Yup, everyone is talking about limiting beliefs these days, and spiritual life coaches are no different. Like mindset coaches, we can also get quite obsessed talking about old programming, subconscious beliefs, facts versus thoughts, etc. But, there is a reason… because, IT IS IMPORTANT. I mean, before you make your omelette, you’re gonna want to start with a clean pan, right?
So, I just wanna be clear on how spirituality coaching helps eliminate limiting beliefs, clearing the runway for your spiritual journey, so to speak.
- Importance is given accessing God, your inner higher power, or universal energy.
- By surrendering control to Divine Order, we create more optimistic and empowering mindsets.
- Because you are aligned with the divine, or an infinite Source, all things are possible.
- Unbound by limitations, you take inspired action… working in harmony with your true self.
- BOOM… magic happens.
So, yeah, addressing and overcoming these limiting beliefs is an important benefit. And trust me, you’ll experience a profound transformation in your life once you do, enabling you to make the best spiritual omelette evah, babe.
Choosing the Right Spiritual Life Coach

Okay, now here’s the scoop. Obviously, choosing the right spiritual coach is essential for a successful coaching experience. When selecting a spiritual coach, it’s important to consider the following:
- Their experience, expertise, and qualifications
- Their openness to different perspectives
- Their acceptance of your values and beliefs
- Your comfort and confidence in working with them
- Their ability to listen…. and NOT provide guidance unless you ask for it.
All of this might seem obvious, but let’s be real. There is A LOT of marketing out there in this space, and it can be difficult to know what to trust. So, let’s dig into some of the more intriguing factors.
Beliefs and Values
Is it essential that your new coach has the same beliefs as you? No. Not at all. But there has to be respect and acceptance about what you both believe. This, along with a shared value system, will create the kind of foundation you need to build connection and trust.
Of course, if you believe XYZ and your coach does, too, that will probably create a deeper level of understanding and communication. By relating to your experiences, challenges, and goals, your new coach may be able to provide more insight and support. But, respect and acceptance are just as important, and may even provide an opportunity for more growth.
So, in the process of selecting a spiritual life coach, have an open and honest dialogue about your beliefs and values before you hire anyone. It doesn’t matter how much you identify with what they put out on Instagram! A spiritual coaching relationship is highly personal, so get to know each other. For real, for real. Because even if the coach doesn’t bring their belief system into your sessions, it’s vital for them to have an understanding and an acceptance of where you are in your journey.
Experience, Expertise, and Qualifications
You’re also going to want to explore a coach’s experience and expertise in their specific niche to ensure they can provide exactly the kind of support you need. But, with so many people entering the coaching field where do you even begin? What qualifications does a spiritual coach need?
Sadly, though the coaching industry isn’t new, it’s still legally unregulated. But, there are some things you can look for to confirm your potential new coach takes their work seriously.
- Certification from the International Coaching Federation (ICF)
- Certification from the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EEMC)
- Other certifications from distinguished academies or training centers
- Relevant professional or personal life experience
- References from previous clients (that you can speak with)
Now, a certification from global organizations like the ICF or EEMC isn’t necessarily for a coach to do amazing work. But because the certification process is so strenuous, it demonstrates the coach’s commitment to their training and to their career. But because spiritual coaching is very different from, let’s say, executive coaching, one of those certifications may not mean jack to you. For example, if you’re interested in doing energy work with your coach or exploring the metaphysical side of spirituality, you may be more interested in where they trained, or what kind of relevant experiences they may have had.
All of our training and life experiences are valid and contribute to a coach’s skillset, so do your research, ask a lot of questions, and of course, follow your intuition.
Trust and Comfort
Trust and comfort are crucial when working with a spiritual coach, as the process often involves exploring deep emotions and personal aspirations. When you feel comfortable with your coach, you’re more likely to:
- Share your ideas, feelings, and experiences
- Enable the coach to gain a better understanding of your needs
- Tailor their advice to your individual spiritual journey
Moreover, comfort builds trust and rapport, both of which are key for a successful coaching relationship.
Establishing a comfortable and rewarding environment with your spiritual coach involves:
- Fostering trust and rapport
- Practicing active listening and empathy
- Posing open-ended questions
- Cultivating a safe and secure space
- Building a strong emotional connection
- Progressing at a comfortable pace
These factors will ensure a strong foundation for a successful and fulfilling spiritual coaching experience. So, spend some time to get to know your coach and learn what other services they may provide. This will give you more insight into what makes them tick, and a shared experience or perspective could help you feel more trust and comfort with them.
Spiritual Coaching Summary

To wrap things up, let’s summarize. Spiritual coaching offers a transformative and holistic approach to personal growth and spiritual fulfillment. By working with a spiritual coach who shares your beliefs, values, and goals, and possesses the necessary experience and expertise, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery, overcoming limiting beliefs, enhancing your inner guidance, and ultimately achieving spiritual fulfillment. Are you ready to unlock your true potential and experience the life-changing power of spiritual coaching?
Frequently Asked Questions About Spiritual Coaching
Wow, that was a lot of information! But if I left anything unanswered, below are a few of the more frequently asked questions that come up often. You can also visit my FAQ page to learn about my own coaching philosophy, style, and offerings.
What is the difference between a life coach and a spiritual life coach?
Very broadly speaking, spiritual life coaches provide more profound guidance, helping you deepen your relationship with the divine. They help you find your purpose and peace. In contrast, general life coaches focus on helping you achieve specific, more tactical goals. Both provide tremendous value, giving life purpose and substance. But ultimately, you, as the client, decide where you’ll take your coaching relationship. So if you meet a general life coach who makes you feel safe enough to explore your spirituality in your sessions, don’t hesitate to open that door. We are all called to this work to help women just like you.
How do I start working with a spiritual life coach?
Well, the first thing you’ll want to do is start your spiritual coaching journey by researching the coaches that seem most aligned with your beliefs and values. List different coaches you’ve come across and then look a little deeper into their qualifications. Get on Google and stalk them! It’s totally okay. And once you’ve narrowed the list, schedule a discovery call with them. Ask a ton of questions to get a feel for their energy and style. And be super honest when you share what you hope to achieve by hiring a coach. Don’t be afraid to let it rip… all your concerns and doubts, too. Then, once you feel you’ve found your person, dive in with an open heart!
What problems do spiritual life coaches solve?
Spiritual coaching can help you overcome loneliness, regret, self-doubt, or confusion about your life’s path. It can also help you find peace, fulfillment in your career or relationships, and more joy and happiness. With a spiritual life coach, you’ll lose that feeling of being “stuck” and return to living a meaningful and purposeful life in line with God’s plan for you.
What are the benefits of spiritual life coaching?
Spiritual coaching can allow you to explore your true self, uncover and take steps toward your goals, achieve your dreams, break limiting beliefs, and remove roadblocks. It provides a nurturing space to explore their beliefs, values, and desires to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your spirituality.
But, what exactly is a spiritual life coach?
A spiritual life coach is a trusted partner who provides space for you and supports you as you explore your meaning of divinity. Through conversation and exploration of beliefs and experiences, you can access your inner wisdom and intuitive knowledge, allowing you to tap into your divine potential and build a beautiful life intended for you.
I hope you found all of this information useful… and if you have any more questions, or doubts, don’t hesitate to reach out to learn more. I love hearing from y’all!
XO, Trish
Photography by Arina Krasnikova, Karolina Grabowska, Marco Antonio Victorino and Alain Frechette, found on Pexels.
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